The Word of God – 2015.10.07
But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth.John 16:13
When I was young I joined a bible circle led by a woman. Her name was Margot. She was a simple woman and often did not know where the word was mentioned in the bible. However, she knew God! She was able to answer all questions and could introduce to us God as a loving Father. This woman has highly influenced me. She was living her faith.
God has promised, that He will enroll His law into our heart. When He dwells in our heart we cannot lie or cheat anymore. As long as we are on His hand we will not steal, commit adultery, and also will not speak bad things about others. If He forms us we are able to see other people with His eyes and will not judge and look for mistakes.
When Jesus reigns in us He can give us His spirit. We are then able to understand the Bible. He shows us the way how God thinks.
It is as if God puts us on glasses of mercy. Through these glasses we are capable to find His life-giving word everywhere in the Bible, can discover His mercy. For a long time I had read a psalm each morning. God had spoken to me through it and influenced me. Until today the Holy Spirit point me to certain verses right according to the situation in which I am. The Spirit makes the word alive. The word of God is a power which creates life.
It is good to read the Bible and to understand its context. We thus experience Gods greatness and wisdom. A mere scientific study of the Bible is not enough. You then become easily a pharisee who knew the Bible from memory however could not live according to the word. They kept the laws however without God
s mercy – how terrible!
We want to be formed by the Bible through the Spirit of God. He should anchor His word deep in our heart so that we find consolation and encouragement in every situation and become more like Him, for there is no sense if you have all wisdom but do not know God, and do not live His words. The Spirit of God wants to make us more like Him and forms us accordingly by reading His word. We then become merciful, charitable, patient, full of trust in God. Help, Holy Spirit, give us the glasses of mercy with which we can better understand the Bible!
Thank you, Father in Heaven, for your Word! You do not let us in ignorance, reveal Yourself to us instead. You want us to know You how You really are. Help me to understand Your word. Always remind me of your word that I may live as You like it.
Bible reading today – Psalm 147: 12-20