The Word of God  –  2019.11.19

The Word of God  –  2019.11.19

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly.
Colossians 3, 16

We need the word of Christ, because they are words of life! We need it for our faith, so that we know in whom and what we actually believe, and we need it for our daily life, for all questions of everyday life, how we should live, what is good and what is bad, how we want to develop, what we should pay attention to…. the Word of Christ is important to us in every way. It gives us orientation, builds us up, strengthens us, makes our faith concrete, helps us pray, expels loneliness, encourages, gives joy, helps in sanctification, gives us the certainty of forgiveness and eternal life ….. Oh, there is so much that we need the Word for!
It is good when we discuss the Word in meetings; it gives new food for thought. When we bear witness and hear how Jesus works in life – this is what strengthens faith!
It is good to read the Bible in solitude. There the day’s orientation is determined and we are no longer like driftwood in the ocean, driven around by the many opinions of people and media. Through this life, God makes things important to me that I would never come up with alone. Yes, He speaks through the Bible!
He has His messengers all over the world. Sometimes they speak a word of the Lord into our lives and often that word is salvation and deliverance. How important are these messengers of God! I have received much blessing, deliverance and assistance through them in certain situations.
The Word of God is so diverse. It is like a big, shining diamond. Again and again one discovers new facets, new perspectives of things. Again and again one discovers something new in the Lord. It never gets old.
There is strength in the Bible. It can transform the whole world, it can bring down regimes, end slavery, give orphans a home, push back the enemy …. The saints love the Bible, the dictators and tyrants fear it.
I want to love, respect and honour them. And above all: I want to read them and understand God!

Jesus, help me to understand the Bible! Always that which is important for this day. You have hidden so much wisdom and mystery in the Bible, help me discover it! Thank You for Your word that gives me life!

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