Tithing – 2017.02.11
… wait to see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.
Malachi 3, 10
This promise was true of the ancient Israelites, who were delivering their tithes on income. Sometimes it has been forgotten, and the house of God, the temple, was in need. The priests and Levites then left their service and ensured their livelihood in another way. That was not all the people, but bad habits spread quickly. If the people gave their tithe, the faith in God came back, and God could bless the land.
It is amazing how far God comes towards us is: He says: Test Me !, … if I will not open you the windows of heaven.
Today the law is passed, there is only the law Christ for us: Love. But what this law of tithing?
Many understand it is still a law. But then comes the question: From the net or gross salary? With or without employer’s contribution? As for merchants who must buy and sell, are they intended by the sale of 10%, or the profit or what? These questions can only be solved if we live according to the law of Christ.
There are still some misunderstandings because of tithing. It is from God really not a law. But some understand it that way. If they do not tithe, they expect doom and punishment. If they give their tithes, they expect God’s blessing in business matters. They act as if it were a law. I am doing this and God has to do that. But it is not like that.
Some churches emphasize tithing. They want their budget plan and the pastor wants to be sure that he gets his salary. It is very easy for the “superiors”, if Christians are obligated to tithe. Jesus shows as new ways.
He is the one who wants to support us completely. With food and drink, clothing and shelter, work and security. And we want to belong entirely to Him; – Including our money.
Thus, on the one hand the one who is “dependent” on these tithes, is to rest in the faith: God cares for him. He does not rely on donors, but in God.
And one who has faithfully paid his tithes can relax. He and his money already belongs 100% God. He must agree with the Lord, where to give his money. Did he give his word and is entered into obligations, he must keep his word, as Jesus gave his word to him – always comply. Otherwise, he must check in prayer with the mind and heart, whether and where to give his money, and how much.
Since then, these relationships are clear to me, I’m much freer. I have no feelings of guilt, and I do not have more to prove how generous I am. Jesus gave me a burden on my heart, I can give. I can also save a lot, I’m getting older, my house needs repairs at times, the car is also old …. I can now completely relaxed in living and wait as the Lord leads.
Thank you, Jesus, You make an end to the merciless law. I am now free, committed only to your law, and I want that. The Law of Love shows me what to do. It is so beautiful that You care for me and I can care for others! You are generous, patient, bless gladly, forgive all the guilt …I want my whole life to be dominated by you!
Bible Reading Today: Genesis 20