To be a blessing – 2016.11.06

To be a blessing – 2016.11.06

Elisha replied: As surely as the Lord Almighty lives,whom I serve, if I did not have respect for the presence of Johoshaphat king of Judah, I would not pay any attention to you.
2 Kings 3, 14

After the death of Solomon Israel was splitted into a northern kingdom called Israel and into a southern kingdom called Judah. Johoshaphat was king of Judah and Joram, the son of the wicked Ahab, king of Israel. Joram went to war against the king of Moab. Johoshaphat and also the king of Edom helped him. However, on their way through the desert they did not find any water. Weakened by that, they feared that they would be an easy prey to the Moabites. They called for the prophet Elisha, the follower of Elijah, to hear the word of God. Elisha initially rejected the request of Joram but finally agreed to intervene in respect of the presence of Johoshaphat. God provided the needed water. But that was not all. He will also deliver the Moabites in their hands.
It is interesting to see, how great a blessing can be if one man like Johoshaphat is faithful to God.
We as Christians may be sure, that God is blessing us as well. God is always with us. Simply our presence is blessing our surroundings. And how much more He will do if we fold our hands in prayer. How much tragedy we can stopp, how many deseases -! and this only due to our presence and our prayers. Does our God not allow us to do so? We are His children!
Corrie ten Boom once sat in an airplane which came in violant turbulence. The situation was very critical, but she kept quiet and prayed. Did the plane remained flying due to the prayers of Corrie? I think so!
When the vessel which should bring Paul to Rome sank God had told him before that all passengers on board will be saved. And so it happened.
God has given us the power to bless. We may be sure that we are influencing our surroundings positively. We may rely on that as Gods blessing is flowing through us. He likes to hear our prayers for our neighbours and to fulfill them. Let us trust more strongly that God hears our prayers for the neighbours so that we are a blessing for them. We not only will prevent adversities but also will bring light and hope into this world.
Thank You, Jesus, that I am precious in your eyes. Thank You that You are always at my side. Thank You, that You want to bless other people through me. Thank You, that You make me a kings
s child.

Bible reading today – John 19: 31 – 42

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