Unbelief – 2015.02.05
Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11, 6
Jesus said once that essential sin of humans is that they do not believe in Him (John 16, 8). That’s why they don’t go to heaven. HE did not tell about immorality, gormandize, drunkenness, thieving or another terrible sin but just: unbelief!
Unbelief is rejection of Jesus. We don’t trust Him, we don’t want to acknowledge Him as King and to listen and to obey Him. We ourselves want to decide what is good and what is bad, or which way we should go, or how to live, what from the Bible shall we believe and what better not, when we need Jesus and when not… this is a life which is completely ruled by Me.
We don’t want that! We want to belong to Jesus. HE is our good Shepherd who cares for us. HE is the one who blesses us with deep peace, satisfaction, calm, serenity, true joy and much more. HE is the source of our life. Me, – what can I know about the future? How can I prolong my life? Do I really know what is good and what is bad for me? How do I want to know God if I think just about myself? How can I overcome my bitterness, anger, my sorrow and guilt? Who is by me when I am alone? Who does help me when I am stuck in difficulties? – It is always Jesus, my best Friend, my Helper, Comforter and Redeemer! HE is worth it that I would give myself to Him fully and would trust in Him in every sense. HE is wonderful Lord.
The Lord wants sometimes that we would do certain things. As HE called Abraham to go to another, unknown land. Abraham obeyed because he knew the Lord. He trusted Him. And so God could bless him beyond all measure. And that all happened because he dared to make a small first step. Let’s trust Him in specific questions and let’s dare to make small first steps with Him!
Thank you, Jesus, You will never abandon me. Even when I do mistakes You are there and put everything in order. You help me in all things, even with every little thing. I dare to go the way of faith because You help me.
Bible reading for today: Luke 18, 1 – 17
We are looking for a person who could translate the devotions into English two times a week! Also we would like to have devotions translated into Polish and Romanian and we are looking for somebody who could help to translate into these languages. Also the Hungarian blog needs help!
Please let me know: frank.lietuva[at]gmail.com
(WordPress would not write the address so I wrote [at] instead of @. Thank you for understanding!)
If You feel that You could help then try to translate couple of devotions during the week. If You manage it please write us!