Victorious – 2016.12.01

Victorious – 2016.12.01

Because I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites.
Judges 6, 16
Gideon was the youngest in the family, and the family was the weakest in the tribe. And yet, God promises him the victory. Everything humanly spoke against it, only God was for it.
The Midianites had attacked Israel and looted from them, as every year. However, this year called the Israelis on God for help, and He sent His angel. They summoned Gideon to free the country.
The weakest man from the weakest family called together the Israelis, but there was not many. The Lord said there still too many, and He sent all who were afraid to return home. There still remained too many men, and so he set apart those while drinking at the stream of those who lapped the water like a dog. These were only 300 men remaining. So, that’s enough! – Said the angel, for you shall not boast of yourselves, but of the LORD! With these 300 men Gideon went into battle …. and won! – Because the Lord was with him.
David wanted to fight the giant Goliath. Only three small stones were sufficient to defeat the giant; – And the help of God. Because the Lord was with David, he could beat Goliath.
Where are our giants? Were the Midianites, as numerous as the locusts? God says: Take heart! You are weak and small, but because I am with you, you will defeat them!
We sometimes are defeated by some fears and worries, defeat of melancholy and self-pity, of evil words and bitterness of bad temper and the daily monotony. But the Lord says: Arise, have courage! Because I’m with you, you’ll defeat the enemy!
When God calls us, He says: Because I’m with you, will you smite the Midianites! He knows our strength is not enough, so He gives His power, His wisdom, His providence, His mercy, kindness and patience. So we will win!
Thank you, Jesus, You are the Lord! What are your fears and concerns? You’re bigger! Fill me with your strength and with courage, because I am small and weak. Thank you that you are with me !!
Bible Reading: Psalm 20, 1 – 10

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