Visitors are coming! ​ – 2019.08.26​

Visitors are coming! ​ – 2019.08.26​

Because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun
will come to​ ​us from heaven
to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
and guide our feet
into the path of​ ​peace.
Luke 1, 78

Imagine you’re sitting in church. In the middle of the most solemn moment the door opens, armed people line up in a guard of honour and the bishop, cardinal or so walks in. He looks around searchingly in the church, comes forward, whispers a name, and everyone begins to point to you: That is him! The bishop comes up to you, takes out his notebook and asks if you really are that person. And then he takes you under his wide robe, embraces you and puts his seal ring on your finger. From now on, he says, you have authority over all the power of the enemy, over dragons, snakes and scorpions, in my name!
Wow, a shudder goes through your entire being!
And then he sees another name in his notebook: Elvira Klein or something similar. That is also there. And he says to her: “Your guilt is forgiven you. Don’t torture yourself any more with it, Jesus died for it, and He will not die for it again.”
And then he sees you: Come visit me! – he says. And there He comes, the Spirit of the mighty God, and He sets you free from curses and misfortune, from self-accusation, bitterness and all bad habits. Suddenly you can no longer stand, because the power becomes too strong. For hours you still have trouble walking in a straight line. And always this laughter that the spirit of joy gives. ….. A wonderful Sunday, full of divine visitation, although we sit in the shadow of death, in darkness! Yes, God is visiting His people, believe Him at last!

Thank You, Jesus! You have redeemed me from the curse of death and from all darkness! You are my light, my hope and my life! Thank You for Your Spirit who makes Your words alive in me! I love Your visits which are full of gifts and surprises. You are good to me!

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