We will rejoice and celebrate! – 2015.05.18

We will rejoice and celebrate! – 2015.05.18

This is the day the Lord acted;
we will rejoice and celebrate in it!
Psalms 118:24
Sometimes we get up in the morning, we are happy, relaxed and sing praises to our God. But sometimes it is difficult for us. Since we are still tired, or worries attack us immediately and want to take our thinking in possession, or a burden oppresses us.
God does not want that! He is our reason to celebrate, even in the morning! It is He who has made the world for us. It is He who has given us His own Son; – How could He not give us everything else that is necessary (and even more)? He has made us righteous; – Should He not forgive any sin? It is He who makes us His children’s; – Should He regret it now and undo it? No!
He is the Lord over our lives, about our family, about our country and throughout the world. He governs everything that happens. He continues knitting His pattern, despite all obstacles, like how one knits a tablecloth; – The front is a beautiful picture, and the back only shows strings that are messed up – a pattern or image is not clear. He really still pulls the strings in His hands!
When I thought about that this morning, because we currently have some issues to resolve, I was really happy. I do not need to decide everything on my own! I do not need to manipulate, forge intrigues, speak evil about people… No, I have faith in my God, who governs all things wonderfully and leads me to a very good end. I am trusting Him. I imagine Him to be available. And I am glad that He leads everything to a successful conclusion.
Yes, joy makes the difference: Do I trust Him or Do I rely on someone else?
This joy makes all the difference when you get up: Grumpy, bad-tempered, full of worries and problems? I will trust the Lord! I want to see Him and start cheering. For He is powerful and has helped me soooo many times, yes, He will help again today!
Let us rejoice and be glad – Because He is still the Lord.
Thank You Heavenly Father, You are so wonderful! You know my concerns and questions and administer to my needs. With You everything is in good hands and I can confidently see how You will lead the things. You’re doing all right. How good that I have You!
Bible reading today: Psalms 95, 1 – 11

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