Wisdom  –  2019.11.16

Wisdom  –  2019.11.16

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
James 1, 19

We know the saying and think it’s good. Better to hear quickly than talk quickly …. Sure, as long as it’s about others.
It is also about God here. He never demands anything from us that He hasn’t done Himself for a long time: Listening.
But He also wants us to listen more to Him. He has much to tell us, but He only tells us what is really necessary. If we miss it, we quickly have problems. Those who only talk to God and have not learned to listen always have problems.
One sage was characterized by the fact that he could listen and only talked himself after some reflection. You only learn that in the course of the years. Humility does not grow overnight!
When I was ten or twelve years old, I knew everything and could give lectures about everything. It must have been bad for my fellow men. How good that most of them had a lot of patience! When I was a child of God for ten or twelve years, it was just like that. I had read some books and was an expert. There was no subject about which I did not know everything, above all I knew it better …. Bad! How good that I had friends who had a lot of patience and thought it would get better with him! Today I know nothing more so exactly and determined; – I am dependent on the Lord who brings me clarity in many things. But one thing I know: The truth is no dogma, no teaching, but the living Lord! Often you can’t really determine it, for some it’s good, for others it’s something else. That gives a wide heart.
How good that God has so much patience with us! He knows us very well and hopes that our eloquence and wisdom will one day be replaced by wisdom. HE is this wisdom. And the more space He gains in our hearts and minds, the more wise and wise we are. Be slow in speaking and fast in hearing!! And never give room to anger. For God never gives room to His wrath on us either ….

Thank ​Y​ou Jesus, ​Y​ou can listen to me when I pour out my heart to ​Y​ou. Help me to hear ​Y​ou when ​Y​ou have important things to say to me!!  I need ​Y​our wisdom in life!

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