With mighty Hand — 2015.12.30
For with mighty Hand the Lord brought His people out of Egypt.
Exodus 13: 3,9,16
The Lord had seen the misery of His people in Egypt. He had mercy and wanted to console His people and redeem them from the house of slavery. And, indeed, He brought them out of Egypt with His mighty hand against all resistances. Nothing could stop Him. He fulfilled His plan as He is Lord of Lords.
If we dwell in a house of slavery, He will do the same with us: With His mighty hand He will lead us out of it.
Before the Israelites started their hike they had to sanctify themselves. They were asked to slaughter a lamb and to eat it. The blood had to be painted on the doorposts as a signal that children of God were living in that house. Our lamb is our Lord Jesus Christ. His blood makes us holy, that is purify and selects us. The evil cannot touch us anymore. And then the Lord arrives, takes us by His hand and leads us into freedom.
The Egyptian army chased the Israelites to bring them back as captives. However, God showed them a way out direct through the sea. Their feet remained dry while the Egyptian soldiers drowned. Yes, the Lord leads his people out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery!
He sees how His people are harassed. However He perceives as well how they enslave themselves to the Egyptians. Egypt stands for "world". How many Christians are too much adapted to the world! They should sanctify themselves through Jesus, paint His blood on the doorposts of their life. Then God can redeem them as followers of Jesus again.
Thank you, Jesus, You are the mighty Redeemer! You are saving Your people, free them from all difficulties, because nothing is impossible for You. You have ways and solutions for us which are beyond our imagination – and also for me You have a way of salvation. Lord, I sanctify myself for You. Please wash me, cleanse me with Your blood, accept me totally as Your child. Please be my mighty Lord, King, and Redeemer.
Bible reading – 1 Corinthians 2: 1-16