Recognition – 2017.01.25

Recognition – 2017.01.25

The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrier who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in His love He will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
We all wish to be loved, welcome and celebrated. You show your good sides and not the bad. Who does not want recognition,honor, and glory? At least our dearest friends should like and respect us. If there is no love you lose the joy of life. Recognition is one of the greatest motivation for our life. The president of a country needs the acceptance of his people. There is trouble if they do not give that which causes  great damages in the world of politics.
Indeed, we almost all suffer of great lack of appreciation. As baby we were loved by our parents and relatives. But when we grew up they demanded performance and good behavior. Who did not accept that was admonished or even finally excluded.
In reality you rarely find true friendship, love, and sincere attention. If you have found such a valuable person you will treat him with utmost care. So it should be with the marriage and the family life where everybody loves and accepts each other with all their habits, faults and weaknesses. But unfortunately often this precious attitude is missed in families.
God said yes to us when we were born. His yes applies unchanged. He will stick to that irrespective what we are and do today. He rejoiced and jubilated when we were born. And when we do good things in His Eyes He again is happy. He certainly will always find something which pleases Him. He of course sees our dark situations with His Heart full of mercy. He is sad if we do not succeed. He cries when we let ourselves be seduced by sin. He is worried but patient at the same time when we ignore Him and show Him the cold shoulder. Nevertheless He loves us unchangeably. His yes remains a yes.
Where you will find such a God who loves His children so profoundly and intimately? Where you will find a person who says yes to me unconditionally? Where I am safe with all my worries and grieves. Where can I find comfort and cry? Only with Him, my Father in Heaven! Only He can truly understand and console me. How glorious that I have found Him!
Thank you, Father in Heaven, You are there, very close to me. You deeply and unlimited understand me. In your presence I can open my heart to receive your  solace. You say yes to me although I am not perfect and holy. You give me hope that I go the right way. I love You, Father, because You love me.
Bible reading today  – Genesis 4

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