Fearless – 2015.04.22
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32
How soothing, if the day starts with the words: Do not be afraid! Yes, Jesus proclaimed it each morning again: Do not be afraid of sorrows, of major challenges, of enemies, and of failures. I am there at your side and help you to get through. I will not forsake and leave you today, tomorrow, and for ever. Trust Me, put your hand in My Hand, together we will do it. Read it in the bible each day, 365 times in the year: Do not be afraid! How wonderful it is that God think of all, cares about you always!
The reason for our fearlessness is God only. It is His irrevocable decision, that`s enough! It does not depend so much on me, God knows before that I fail from time to time and surely do not know and cannot do everything. He is aware of my limits, of my weakness, my faults in the same way as He knows my abilities, my heart. Yes, just because of my weakness He is able to show His glory, His power through me. So He has decided as the words above are declaring.
It was His decision to redeem me. Since time immemoral He knows me and does that still today and for ever. Inspite of my failures He decided to redeem me. He can deal with my shortcomings. He will carry me through into the kingdom for He never lies. He has decided to be present in the church through which His messages of the kingdom are pronounced. He knows about the weakness of people,but He has chosen them and still can act through them. The more they feel weak and helpless the more they need the power of Jesus. And Jesus gives to those who trust Him. In this way the church can really be the Kingdom of God, a wonderful oasis inmidst of this world. Do not be afraid!
Thank you, Jesus, You are building the Kingdom of God already here! I definitely want to enter this place. Please let me be a citizen in this oasis of life, piece, and joy. Please do your work through me that I can help others. Flow through me with Your love, tenderness, humility, and power! Cleanse me from pride and arrogance so that I will not harm the peace.
Bible reading today: Psalm 74: 1-23