The mystery of the Gospel – 2020.12.25
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1, 27
This is the mystery of the gospel, Paul says. Christ in us!!! – this is the gospel.
As long as we see God and Jesus as opposite, we are caught up in religion. We must perform, we must exert ourselves, we must, we must and we are never satisfied. It is our own achievement that we want to build on. We must do better, we must pray more, we must love more, read the Bible, pray, believe, trust …… everything is a must.
Jesus Christ, the Saviour, is in us. There all toil ceases, there is rest. As Psalm 23 says: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul; He guides me along the right paths ……” – Who is the doer here? And who allows things to happen to him?
Jesus says accordingly: Give me what weighs you down and take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is light and does not weigh you down ….. – A fine exchange! I give all my worries and efforts to Him and He takes care of me.
If Christ is in me, there is peace in my heart. What more do I want? Peace, joy, happiness, bliss, purity, forgiveness ….. all these things are where Christ is. Why should I fight for individual things when in Him everything is in abundance?
Christ in me, that is the secret of the Gospel.
Jesus, how good that You dwell in my heart! You are my Lord, my life, my everything. In You I find peace and rest. As You are one with the Father, so I will be one with You. Amen!