Jacob’s Tents – 2015.03.13
How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,
your camps, Israel!
Like palm groves that stretch out,
like gardens next to a river,
like eaglewood trees that the Lord has planted,
like cedar trees next to water.
Numbers 24:5f
The King Balak had asked the seer Balaam to curse the people of Israel. But Balaam could only say what God let him see. He had to bless Israel! He saw Israel as a blessed people, numerous, full of peace, just beautiful. So God wants to bless His people!
They are not to hide in the forest or in the mountains, but shall live at the streams and rivers; – Water is the source of life, and for us the Word of God is this water, which provides us life. It refreshes us, revives us, is hope, joy, courage and strength.
It should not be a dry, desolate landscape where God’s people live, but full of fertile gardens. The stream that saturates the country, is the flow of the Holy Spirit. Where he may act, is flourishing life!
People should be strong as oak trees, planted by the Lord. Nothing will shake them or can take their calm. The Lord has planted them, no one can knock them over.
So God wants to bless His people. He will be their God, and they shall be the people of His pasture. He is their shepherd and they are His flock. He provides everything, rain and sun and everything that people need. It is good to belong to the people of God; He wants to bless it!
Poverty and lack, that we sometimes can find in the people of God, is often because we have made God the way we would like it. We reduce God to some things and want to limit Him. Our thinking about God is marked by unbelief and we often do not think differently about God as everyone else. We do not expect much from Him.
God wants to bless His people. But He also wants His people to be a blessing. It is intended to break the power of evil and triumph over injustice. We should not just sit on the couch, but defeat the enemy (verse 7-9).
Jesus, You are the Mighty King! We are Your people, for which You care. You want to bless us – Forgive me, if I search my luck somewhere else and do not trust in You. I want to be a close part of Your flock and follow You. For You are my Good Shepherd!
Bible reading today: 1. Peter 3, 1 – 12