A good marriage – 2016.05.09

A good marriage – 2016.05.09

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Genesis 2:18
Every marriage is different and every marriage needs its special advice. Every situation is very unique and it’s hard to write universal. So just a few thoughts I have.
God himself speaks in this verse and says that it isn’t right for humans to be alone. They need other people and God who is the gauge for everything. People need a counterpart for company, correction, love, and appreciation, so God made Eva for Adam. There is no closer form of cooperation than a good marriage. For this to work God gave an advice in the beginning: the man needs a helper suitable for him. He needs to take responsibility for his wife and family, but only with the support of his wife he will manage.
This isn’t to downgrade women. There is no battle of the sexes for God. For God males and females are of equal humans. Everyone has their place and duties. Only together they are strong! If they are Christians one should assume that they are humble so they each have the best in mind for the other one. The think fist of the other and last of themselves. From those marriages we can learn what church should be.
No one demands anything from the other because they trust the other one. No one needs to fend for themselves and no one needs toe show their power and authority. No man needs to say that this is his house and no woman needs to manipulate her husband. In such a family the children will grow up safe, they will develop character and become true friends and faithful Christians.
In a marriage we can learn humility because the other will have abilities we don’t have. And we can learn to forgive: ourselves, our partner, and the children. We can have a preview of heaven or hell, depending on how we live our marriage.
This verse tells us that God will give us our partner. But most of the time we look for our partner ourselves and ask for His blessing afterwards… (A word on friendships: take care of your friendships, since a good friendship that breaks apart is painful just like a divorce.)
However, there is the possibility that God wants us to stay single, unmarried, and without children to be available for Him. God will compensate for every shortcoming. One should not forget the possibility to stay single!
A good marriage is a sign of God for others. It represents heaven and the love between Christ and His church. It is suppose to be a sign of the church and how it should be: full of humility and love for one another.
Thank You Jesus, You are the groom who really loves his bride! You gave Your life for us, Your church. Do we need more prove of Your love?
We want to love You and live our life in a way that makes You proud.
Bible reading today: Colossians 2:8-23

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