A man of God  –  2020.05.08

A man of God  –  2020.05.08

There was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was righteous and devout.  He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him.
Luke 2, 25

A wonderful description for a man of God! He spent much time with God and in conversation with Him. So God could use him when Jesus was brought to the temple for circumcision. He spoke prophetically about Jesus as the Holy Spirit told him.
There are many men of God. Many go to work every day, have families and lead exemplary lives. But they are deeply rooted in the Word of God, have their “devout habits”, silent time, prayer and fellowship, and are reliable and faithful. The Holy Spirit rests on them, you can see it. Although many of them do not want to practice the gifts of the Spirit, the Spirit of God is working through them. For He also works the gift of mercy, pastoral care, evangelism, hospitality, music and many other things, perhaps not so spectacular as prophecy or prayer in tongues or miraculous healings. These men are men of God. The Charismatics and Pentecostals are not the better Christians or people. I do not want to renounce the gifts of the Spirit, but that does not make me a better person or Christian.
The Holy Spirit does not want glory for Himself, but only to glorify Jesus. And He creates that in these men. He rests on them. Their decisions are wise, marked by love and mercy. Their families can rely on them, and in the church they perform important ministries.
The Spirit rests on them! He seems to feel comfortable with them. That is why they are cheerful, peaceful, steadfast, merciful, a true reflection of God. The Spirit likes that and lives above them, so to speak, similar to a bird building its nest on their heads and sitting there comfortably, singing and hatching something.
Of course this also applies to the women of God! That’s clear, isn’t it? After all, it was Hanna in the temple who spoke about Jesus.  She was a faithful servant of God.

Jesus, I want Your Holy Spirit! He should rest upon me, give me His rest and hatch wonderful things in me. Thank You for changing my life so positively! You are wonderful!

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