Breakfast – 2014.11.30
Fill us full every morning with your faithful love
so we can rejoice and celebrate our whole life long.
Psalms 90:14
Yes, why should we give up our main source of energy? Why should stress and hectic govern us? We don’t want that. Therefore, before the day starts properly, we have breakfast, so the body has energy and we get spiritually charged. If there is to be a terrible day, we need our helper, assistant and comforter. Why should we bear the burden of the day alone? Why fight alone? He is still there, our strong helper! So much wants to push us down constantly, that’s why we need this constant contemplation of our Savior. We need to turn our gaze to our Saviour again and again, otherwise we quickly see only the dust at our feet. For He wants to bless us and help us through the day, as a loving father always stands at the side of His loving children. He wants to saturate us with His love, grace and power. And we can rejoice and look forward, every day again.
Thank you, Father, for being with us today. You look at us with loving eyes and help us out of every trouble, even if we ourselves are to blame. Yes, Your goodness and mercy are endless! Inexhaustible is Your patience! You are the God who loves me.