Devotion – May, 4.
Good morning!!
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own sheep and they know me.”
John 10, 14
Kings and presidents often do not know their people personally. They sit in the capitals and make laws for all. But mostly they do not think of me. Jesus is different. He knows me personally. He knows my name, and even my nickname. He is interested in everything in my life. He does not make laws that I absolutely must respect, but gives me advice und instructions that are just right for me. He is really worried about me. Where else is there such a fine king? If I want to talk a president, king or priest, there is a long waiting list. And maybe it happens that I get a brief audience. But actually they are not interested in me. But Jesus is different again! He is waiting for me. He wants me to meet and get to know Him. He wants to get to know ME. He is always available and has time for me. Although He has so many important things to do, He pretends as if nothing is more important to Him than me. He is a wonderful God! He is my good shepherd. He is always looking for the best pasture, the best water. He knows when a break is necessary. He himself goes first and paves the way. In every situation He knows how He has to deal with his sheep. For each He has the right words and the right education. He has entrusted other people to us and wants us to deal with them as He deals with us. Therefore we ought to know Him better and let us determine of Him more and more. Then our family becomes a little piece of heaven and our business or work becomes a foretaste of paradise. Yes, Jesus will build His kingdom and wants us to be His children! There is nothing more important for Him than you, His dearly bought child!
Thank you, Jesus, You are my good shepherd! You truly care for me. You know me through and through and You know of all my needs and secret desires. In You I am safe and with You I can talk about my little problems. You help me in everyday life, You give me peace and a place to live. You care about everything!