Distress and Consolation – 2016.08.03

Distress and Consolation – 2016.08.03

Jesus said to His deciples:
In the world you will have trouble. But take heart!​ ​
I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

There are so many things which oppress and worry us. The concern about the finances, about the dwelling, the worry about the health, about the future, the anxiety about the work, about the children or parents. So many things trouble us, also the neighbour, the collegues, the boss ….
Jesus is aware of that all as He has lived on earth long enough and knows how people are dealing with each other. He knows that His deciples have do endure all that. He preferably would have taken them into heaven with Him immediately.
When we read the story of Paul we learn sufficiently about great afflictions, misery, and unjust persecution.
Jesus always told His deciples: You will be persecuted, people will harm you even thinking that they are pleasing God by that. He knows how much the deciples suffer for His sake. And: He trusts it to us! We are not little babies anymore but bold deciples for the Holy Spirit is in us!
Jesus is encouraging us: He knows the truth, He knows our situation. He never forsakes and forgets us. He is present closely at our side and holds His hands over us. When we need strength He gives us the power of the Holy Spirit. When there is no hope He will encourage us. When we are unhappy He will fill us with His spirit of joy. Are we restless, afraid, full of panic He will strengthen our heart and will give peace. Yes, He can! He has overcome the world – and we together with Him! When we humble ourselves before Him and say "Your Will will be done!" then there is a free way into our heart for Him. He can place into it His peace. Then I am safe inmidst of the storm. I cling to Him, give Him my life, fully trusting that He cares for me. When I allow Him to do with me what He wants surely all will turn out well.
There may be distress and trouble around me, my faith and trust will grow the more as I will then look at Jesus with peace in my heart. I will hear His voice through the words in the Bible, will newly trust His almighty power. He will be victorious and safe me!
Thank You, Jesus! Sometimes the enemy rages mightily. However, You have overcome the world and the enemy. With You on Your side I am right, at the victorious side. You hold me tight and safe me! I put everything into Your powerful Hands. Lead me and do it as You like.
Bible reading today – 2 John 1: 1-13

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