In a New Land — 2016.03.31
The Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.”
Genesis 12, 1
The verse consists of two parts: firstly, "Go forth …" and the other "in the country …" the second doesn’t work without the first. We cannot move into the new country, if we remain in the Old. Abrams father already had heard this call of God and started to make his way, but he remained halfway and made himself comfortable in Haran. He did not reach the New Country. Where are we standing? Where are we going?
God wants us to discard all ties and influences, so that we are free to become a new man. Therefore we ought to clear out of our country, kindred, and father’s house. It is not intended to bind us and hold back the blessing. Old behaviors and ways of thinking are to be reviewed by the Lord. Where we live according to God’s word and where according to the ideas of this world?
God partially shows us the new country. He gives us a foretaste of what awaits us there. He Himself shows us a little way, so that we can trust Him. And then comes our decision: Will I get up and leave everything and migrate into the new country? If we do not know God, we will shy away. When we know Him, it will still be difficult. But we can grasp his strong hand and walk step by step with Him, always the goal in mind.
God wants to bring us to our promised land. It is the place on earth (and later in Heaven), that He has provided for us. There we will find fulfillment and there we have done our part of the work. So many are in the wrong place, which gives them no satisfaction, but also makes grumpy and surly. God has other, better, the best plans and thoughts for us!
When God calls you, do not hesitate. Say I Do! And He will accompany you, to clear the way, you strengthen the back, and at the end of the road it will be wonderful!
The Bible text goes on:
“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples of earth will be blessed through you.”
A strong promise! It applied to Abram and it applies to us, in the form determined by the Lord for us.
Thank Heavenly Father, you have only good thoughts and plans for me! Yes, I want to start my way anew and follow you. I want to go to the New Country! I want to strip away all fatigue and comfort and go out. How fortunate that I can rely on you.
Bible Reading Today: Isaiah 61: 1 – 11