My silent longing​ – 2019.08.27​

My silent longing​ – 2019.08.27​

The LORD is my shepherd,
I lack nothing. …
He refreshes my soul …
Psalm 23, 1.3a

Indeed, so it is: The LORD is a good shepherd who knows what His sheep need. He satisfies my desires.
Sometimes you yourself don’t really know what it is you are missing. You buy this or that, go here or there, but there remains this hole, this emptiness in the heart, this dissatisfaction and restlessness. How can you get your heart to rest? It relieves itself through sharp words, arguing or aggression, bitterness, egoism and other negative things that burden the community with the brothers and sisters.
But the Lord knows what we need. HE alone knows our heart to the bottom of it. He alone can satisfy this undefined, unknown desire. – And HE wants to​.​
We have often written how much the Lord pays attention to our outer well-being. He provides work, food, drink, clothing and a roof over our heads. He gives rest and recreation. He cares about health, parking spaces and helps us find lost things. All this is our external framework. It is not hard for Jesus to take care of us; – if only we would not whine all the time.
But He also cares for our inner balance and satisfies every desire in us. – Oh, if we did not always think that we needed certain things for our happiness! How much we rush after these things that burst like soap bubbles as soon as we have them – and yet we are no happier than before.
Our inner desire is aimed at the Lord. HE alone is this fulfillment. He alone can satisfy this desire. Just as a man only finds fulfillment with his wife, so the Lord is responsible for the fulfillment of the heart. He alone is the goal, even if many do not know it yet.
So many work and work hard to reach whatever goal they may have. But the inner balance, the inner contentment and peace comes from the connection to Lord. Only he who has this connection has found the source. Then the Lord satisfies his desires.
Today we are very much primed for action. The reflection on Jesus, on the Bible, on the Heavenly Father has no financial benefit. This thinking is fundamentally wrong. Reflection on Jesus, thinking about Him, prayer and reading the Word bring everything that cannot be bought for money: peace, contentment, strength.

Thank You Jesus, in You I am safe! You satisfy the deepest desire of my heart! I love being with You. Thank You, You are wonderful!

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