Our daily bread — 2016.03.09

Our daily bread — 2016.03.09

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us –
yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:17
In the beginning a short fairy-tale: When Jesus was on the way with His disciples and furthermore with many followers and curious people they all were provided with everything. One of the disciples had a little bottle of water and each one who was thirsty could drink out of it. The bottle never became empty. Another one had a small backpack out of which everybody could take what they wanted: Sausage, cheese, fish, and butter. The bag always was full. And in the evening when they were tired from walking, they found a place to rest where God already had put beds for them…
Had it been really so? One miracle after the other? No! Miracles are not self-evident and daily to be experienced. Otherwise the bible would have not reported about the feeding of the 5000 which then would have been quite normal.
There are extreme Christians who do not want to work. They claim and trust that God is providing them. However, the people around them say that they exploit their good nature. When you talk to these extreme Christians you always think your faith is little and you feel very small and guilty. In this situation it is helpful when you know what the bible is saying.
God wants us to work and earn the bread ourselves. He does not want us to be dependent on the social system of the state. That is for Him normal! He wants that we prepare ourselves for the winter and get the firewood in time. He wants us to take care about our health in order not to become ill. He will not do miracles when we are lazy or indifferent.
As God likes it He will bless the work of our hands. He loves us and is everywhere at our side. He gave us a common sense to use it to His glory. And if we fail, or forget something, so He will be there to help. Yes, He will bless the work of our hands.
He will not be at our side when we are on the way of sin and try to obtain something with wrong methods. How can He, the Holy One bless that!
And when we are proud, work hard and long with great success as if we do not need His blessings He will turn away from us as well.
Oh Lord, I need You! Give me strength and courage, and joy for my daily work! How wonderful, that You are at my side and bless the work of my hands. Lord, I will go on Your ways and stay in Your blessings. How beautiful that You are there today!
Bible reading today – Isaiah 40:12-31
Verse 31:
But those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

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