Praise and Thanks
Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with celebration!
Come before him with shouts of joy!
Know that the Lord is God –
He made us; we belong to him.
We are his people, the sheep of his own pasture.
Enter his gates with thanks;
enter his courtyards with praise!
Thank him! Bless his name!
Because the Lord is good,
his loyal love lasts forever;
his faithfulness lasts generation after generation.
Psalms 100
Thanks, praise, rejoicing, jubilation and joy, these are the hallmarks of the redeemed before the throne of God. This mighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, had mercy on us! We are the flock of His pasture! How can we not rejoice there? Finally redemption has arrived, at last God himself is attainable! For He leans down to us, He is kind, forgives any debt and surrounds us with salvation. This mighty God shields His children like a strong shepherd protects His sheep: No one can snatch them from His hand!
Let us open our hearts to gratitude and praise. Do not point your eyes at the floor, but raise your heads to Him and begin to thank. Let us ask the Spirit of God to work in us and to help us sing and to praise. Then He can do great things in us: He fills us with songs, cheers and joy!
Yes, let us dedicate this day to the Lord and thank Him! He will do great things for us. Thanks and praise are the “tickets” for the gates and courts of His temple, in the presence of God. Do you have a big concern or problem that you want to bring before God? Then enter with thanks and glory and praise the Lord, who rules over everything so wonderfully. He will do what we can not, for He is the God who takes care of the smallest details and greatest things. He is God! His is our honor and worship!
Thank You, Jesus, for paving the way to God! Now I can stand before Him, thank and praise Him. Thank You, You take the burden of my sin and sorrow. You send me the spirit that fills my heart with gratitude and praise. Yes, I want to sing for You, and rejoice above Your goodness and mercy, and the fact that You love me so much.