So many loads! – 2020.02.01
„Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.“
Galatians 6, 2
Sometimes I really wish someone would help me carry it. In two or three everything goes much, much easier! My boys help me with the practical little jobs, which is a great relief. And I help them where they cannot do something themselves, e.g. I drive them where they cannot go by bus themselves. This mutual help works well and we can rely on each other and we don’t need to “discuss” loudly who has to do what work. This is really relaxing for the nerves!
Jesus carries my burdens. It is sooo good and relaxing that HE is the LORD who rules everything so gloriously. I’m not lazy, but it’s good to know that HE intervenes everywhere, creating ways and possibilities and bringing everything to a good end. Sometimes I pray for people and the burden is heavy. How good that I don’t have to carry the responsibility myself, but Jesus takes it over!
HE carries my burdens with the family, with the car, with the living, with the old age, with the house … all the small things and daily things He carries with me. How good such a friend is, how many nerves and energy it saves! HE is the friend with whom I can discuss everything and who has good ideas. – But a human friend would also be very, very dear to me …
He also bears my burden with myself, with my incapacity and “small weaknesses”. HE has much more patience with me than I have myself. For Him forgiveness is no problem, – and then there is a new beginning again.
HE carries my burdens with the brothers. You know, the brothers and sisters are often too lazy, too stingy, talk too much, are know-it-alls …. It is sometimes unbearable with these brothers! But HE carries them patiently, has full understanding with their naivety and egoism, and no understanding at all for my impatience. How good it is to have such a friend!!
Do you still know the song: What a friend is our Jesus?
Thank You Jesus, You are a super-friend! With You I can cry, I can scold and vent my anger; – You can stand it. And You always have the right words and therapy for me. You carry my burdens as if they were Yours. You carry my worries and fears and do not pretend they are trifles. You really care about me. Thank You, Jesus!