The Door of your Heart – 2014.11.20

The Door of your Heart – 2014.11.20

Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them, and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me.
Revelation 3:20

Our heart’s door has no door handle from the outside, only from the inside we can open or close ourselves. Jesus does not enter in our lives by forces, but stands outside and knocks. Do you want to open your door for me?
The meal, the Holy Communion, is the sign of reconciliation with God. Jesus has given His Body, His life and shed His blood so that we can live. He is the victim, so that we remain without punishment. He has paid the price, so He can put together a pure and holy people. He does not want workers who almost work themselves to death for Him, no worshipers who stubbornly perform their rituals and only pray mechanically, no slaves who do not know what their master is thinking, no puppets who mostly don’t even have an own will; – He wants friends! He wants to have fellowship with us humans; – He wants to come into our heart to celebrate the Holy Communion with us. He wants our vicinity, just like John the disciple could lean on Jesus’ strong shoulder, or like Mary, who sat at His feet and listened to Him. He wants us all. He puts His Spirit into us. And he makes us able to listen to Him and to follow Him; this Spirit is the power of God.
He does all this without demanding anything in return. It happens only by grace, mercy and love. And then He asks; – It is a real question, and He expects an honest answer: Who, whom shall I send? Who, who wants to be my herald? Do you want to be a witness of my love and mercy and tell, what I have done to you?
He asks it without any pressure and He accepts your reply. Even a yes, but …. He takes you seriously and responds to your concerns. Even a no He takes seriously; – He doesn’t love you less because of this. But, please, be honest! Jesus wants to be your friend, not your "employer" or "slave driver".

Thank you, Jesus, I am so much worth to You! Absolutely everything You’ve done for me. And all out of love towards me. How much do You love me, how much do You long for fellowship with me! Yes, I’ll open the door of my heart, You shall be my king! And, if You really want to use me, then I want to be a herald for You and testify to Your good works. Yes I do!

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