The law kills – 2015.11.04
You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
Matthew 23:24
Jesus has often fulminated against pharisees and scribes, the theologians of that time. On all sinners He had mercy but not on the supercilious scribes. They could argue with passion over every small point of the law but they did not know God at all. They were not aware that God valued much more mercy than offerings. They wrote voluminous books about trivial matters and lost sight of God.
Also within Christianity you can find legalism. How many wars had been fought among Christians because God was unknown to them. How many children of God had been burned on funeral piles! How many believers in other religions were forcibly converted ( if you do not want to be my brother, I will hit your skull.) No, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the gospel can not be found in it.
However, there also were scribes like Nicodemus for instance in John 3 who really sought the truth and went to Jesus, sometimes even at night. . They were afraid of their colleagues and they did not stand at the side of Jesus publicly. But Jesus had time for them and showed them the way to Heaven. Today there are theologians too who put Jesus first place above hair splitting theology. The Lord may bless them!
We want to focus on Jesus. He is the living God. Only His Spirit can reveal us the bible so that we understand the words as God means it. He gives life, the letter alone kills.
I knew a Christian who made many mistakes in his enthusiasm. But he was aware about forgiveness, was able to apologize and did not lose his joy. I knew another person who did almost everything right but let his head hang over trifles. It took long time until he understood that Jesus really forgives all. Well, I rather prefer to be happy then to make a fuss out of every bagatelle. How wonderful it is that Jesus loves me and covers my failures under the mantle of His charity. With Him together I can run happily!
We Christians should not swallow camels either and strain out gnats: We should not allow "great things" to be in us as pride, stubbornness, bossiness, and greediness. We should not take care too much about small things. Some see only on gnats and therefore swallow camels: False doctrines, turning away from God, unforgiveness… . No, we should do everything to be closely linked with Jesus. Then He will show and explain us many things. Then He will bless His child and surround him with love.
Thank you, Jesus, You forgave and I am free! I can now forgive as well, am able to apologize and need not to be tormented anymore by evil thoughts. You fill my heart with Your joy. You pour out Your Spirit on to me who reveals to me the Bible and let me see the Father. You are wonderful and Your Word too!
Bible reading today – Matthew 23: 1-39