Under the fig tree – 2019.05.14

Under the fig tree – 2019.05.14

Jesus says to Nathanael:
I saw while you were still under the fig tree.
John 1, 48

Jesus was with John the Baptist. Many, many people were gathered there. There he called the first disciples, also Philip. Philip went to Nathanael and brought him to Jesus. Jesus said to him, “I saw you before when you were sitting under the fig tree. Nathanael was speechless: How did Jesus know everything? And he recognized: Jesus is not an ordinary man, He is the Son of God! Jesus answered him, “You believe because of such a small thing? You will see much greater things!”
All the little things are important to Jesus. He sees Nathanael sitting under the tree. He also sees you when you sit alone at home. He knows the “silent ones in the country”.
There are so many who think they have been forgotten or that they are not important. Many do not find their place in the church or family or society. Many feel abandoned or marginalized, on the sidelines so to speak.
Maybe Nathanael was also in such a phase: “Nothing has purpose. When will the Messiah come? Has God forgotten about me? Why am I even still alive?” – Perhaps he was so tired of these thoughts when Philip wanted to bring him to Jesus.
But you see, Nathanael was not forgotten, he was in full sight of the Lord. Jesus pulled him out of his gloom: “From now on you will see greater things! You will see the angels ascending and descending from heaven! You will see the sky open!”
God has more for you. He is calling you out of your monotony and out of your gloom. He wants you to leave this behind and get up and take your place in His kingdom. For example, go into the prayer service, praise God, pray for all who come to mind, stand up for them before God, and never cease to give thanks; thanksgiving is the key to the glory of God. Get up, leave everything behind and go to your work! He has not forgotten you or forsaken you, He calls you by name!

Thank You, Jesus, with You I have a future! Sometimes the desolation wants to crush me. But You have me in mind, and You create a way out for me. Life is far from over with You! Thank You, You are the Lord of life!

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