Wake up! – 2015.04.29
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die.
Revelation 3:2
Jesus is very much concerned about us and our community. He knows our mental state very well. He knows our desire but also our idleness.In our childhood already God placed a longing for Him in our heart. However, the harsh realities of life have strangled them. God likes to stir up them again to fulfill all our yearnings. He is the goal of all our cravings.God gave us tasks and targets. However, we got tired and stopped at half-way. He wants to strengthen and encourage us again. Get up, take His hands and move on!It could well be that we are involved by too many missions and are running out of air. He says: take it serious! Listen to Me and do not let abuse you.Some are tired, left alone, disappointed and disillusionized. Please, give away your burden to the Lord and take your yoke upon you. The yoke is easy while your burden is oppressing and subjugating you.Do not be capitivated by idleness. Time goes by quickly and you did not use it properly. Certainly we are allowed to enjoy our life but everything moderately. Give Him again the first place and your life gets meaning and purpose. Watch out that you always keep your eye on your goal and dont be distracted! Get up, He will fill you again with His spirit!<strong></strong>May be you have fallen in sin again and you are caught y the devil
s net. Don`t give up! He is there, your Redeemer and Saviour. Throw your burdon upon Him, He is forgiving you, embracing you, will use you again for His intention to be light in this world through you. There is always hope!Yes, let us put Him in the first place again. Then all idleness, disappointment, bitterness, sin, and all will disappear which stopps us and makes life difficult. Let us accept His yoke and give away our burden oppressing us. He wants to fill us with new life! It is not too late. He waits for us.Thank you, Jesus, You have high hopes in me! Forgive when I am caught by my emotions. Please fill me again with Your spirit! I will put you again in first place in my life. You are my King!
Bible reading today: Psalm 78: 40-72