The Way – 2016.08.12

The Way – 2016.08.12

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
Psalm 1,6

He who has faced imminent death has a different perspective of life. Of course prosperity and a nice couch are nice to have, but the heart isn’t quite as set on these things anymore. Precious time is no longer wasted on gold and money. Death as a frightening end is too much of a reality.
Many know this and see it in others. Yet they are unwilling to change. Perhaps one takes a life insurance policy, but in the end, this will be of no help on the deathbed.
When someone dies without Jesus, such a person is simply gone. And after some years, no one remembers anything about them. Many times I have stood by the grave of a deceased person, looking down on the coffin disappearing into the earth. Terrible emptiness ensues; an irreversible incident.
There are many people who deny God. They do not want God to exist. And for them, Jesus is at most a good, decent person, but not the Redeemer. God laughingly calls them blasphemers. Anyone can recognise God in Creation, but those who refuse prefer to believe other ideas. What should God do with these people? He can’t help them. Their road leads to destruction.
Many seek God. They know that the reality we see is far from the whole picture. Let us pray for these people, that they might find the Saviour! Jesus hears these urgent prayers of ours. God may not guarantee that such a person will achieve a living faith, for this is a personal decision. But let us not give up hope, but rather continue to pray for these beloved people.
Many have found redemption in Jesus. They are not better than others. But Jesus has cleansed them, has given them His name and made them into children of God. They are His, no one can take them away from Him, not even death.
The Lord knows their way. Even though life may seem chaotic and messy the Lord can untangle the knots. He stands above the chaos, and also above our path. For Him our path is straight, straight into His arms. Not only does He know every step and every minute of our lives but also its destination and meaning. How good to have our Lord watching over us!

Thank You, Jesus, You are my Redeemer! You will save me from dying and death, for I am Yours. You are victor over sin, death, ruin and destruction. You are my bridge over despair. Thank You for walking with me!

Bible study for today: Revelations 3,1-6

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