Blessing for health – 2020.07.24
Praise the LORD, my soul, ….
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Psalm 103, 2 – 5
Today’s devotion is again about blessing or curse. We all know sickness, suffering, weakness, accidents and death. They do not come from God. HE had other plans at the time of creation, and in heaven it will one day be as God had planned.
Creation fell into sin and was sold to the enemy of God. This enemy has sown a lot of weeds among the wheat; he has sent sickness, he has caused death, and he has simply turned everything that God had done so well into the opposite. Jesus came to restore it, to set up God’s Kingdom, to bring us to our destiny as children of God. This does not include weakness, illness, suffering, accidents or death; – these are attacks on us by the enemy.
Sometimes God wants and needs to educate us. And for this He sometimes uses illness and weakness. Sometimes we move away from God and are exposed to the attacks of the enemy without protection and become sick. Sometimes it is for no apparent reason, like with Paul who had spikes in his flesh (nobody knows what exactly this means; there are only assumptions. But elsewhere it is said that he was often sick and weak). Sometimes the curses of Satanists and sorcerers hit us, but Jesus is our protector: HE shows us the cause and breaks the curse.
We as Christians live in a fallen creation and therefore we get sick as often as other people. A flu virus does not distinguish between Christian and non-Christian. But in sickness we have assistance and a helper.
Through the daily intensive contact with Jesus in prayer, reading the Bible, praise and worship, the Holy Spirit of God spreads mightily in us and orders everything according to God’s pleasure, that is: He creates order and health in us. Thus, living with Christ is the best protection against illness.
Many Christians unfortunately live against God’s order of creation and are surprised when they start to feel pain and become ill. Just sitting there every day… that does not work! Always eating and stuffing in, that doesn’t work! Lack of exercise and wrong nutrition also claim many victims among Christians.
It is always the same: To receive the blessing, two are needed: God, who likes to bless and we, who have to do our part. Without the work, God cannot bless the work, without sticking to God’s order, we cannot get well. So: More exercise and less food, but eat with consideration!
God works many miracles in our bodies. I believe that we do not even notice most of the miracles. But a healing after prayer is a wonderful thing. It makes us secure in our faith in Jesus. HE loves me, HE takes care of me!
Thank You Jesus, You do so many miracles! Sometimes I am unbelieving and blind and I don’t even see Your works. But You are faithful, You always stand by me. You do so much good in me, thank You. Yes, I seek You in prayer, and in communion with You, You work in me. Thank You, that’s really wonderful!