About Spirits – 2015.06.02

About Spirits – 2015.06.02

Look, I have given you authority to crush snakes and scorpions underfoot. I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.
Luke 10:19
Jesus is the Son of God. He knows everything and His view of things and the world is perfect. He is never wrong.
He tells about the struggle between light and darkness, between good and evil, between God’s angels and the spirits of evil, between the Son of God and Satan. He said: I came to destroy the works of the devil. In His ministry here on earth He casted out numerous demons.
Today we believe that demons and dark forces do not exist. Yet the newspapers are full of evil things and the mental hospitals full of unresolved cases. I’m afraid we miss the realities of all these theoretical worldviews and humanism. Jesus’ belief was certainly more correct as our believe today.
The Bible does not teach us everything about demons. It only states briefly, clearly and concisely that the evil is defeated. It promises us the victory through the authority of Jesus’ name. The evil can not harm us anymore.
Currently we can find a lot about an evil spirit that we can ask and then he answers. At school it is "played" and spreads quickly. My little ones are full of fear and horror, because they realize how much the evil one dominates other children. Even close friends play with it. You see the consequences and it is scary to them. Yet they seek shelter with their dad, because they realize that their dad is not afraid. They remember, Jesus is security. In His presence the evil one cannot harm them.
Only Jesus can avoid the consequences of this "game" at the other children. In the name of our Lord Jesus we can tell those spirits to disappear and ask for forgiveness for this sin. As long as man keeps on Jesus, he will be free.
Jesus did not cast out demons in every patient, but often such a spirit was to blame for a disease or suffering. We don’t want to pathologically see evil spirits, but think about this possibility. And we never want to forget: In the name of Jesus we are strong! We are winning because we stand behind Jesus. The evil cannot harm us.
Thank you, Jesus, You are the winner! You’re stronger than hell, death and the devil! Yes, I stand behind You, so that the enemy only sees You. And I use Your name to defeat the evil. How fortunate that I am safe with You! You give liberation and victory.

Bible reading today: Lukas 4, 16 – 30

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