Cordial Community – 2015.10.18
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!Psalm 133: 1
..."It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard,on Aarons beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore." (V. 2+3)
(Aaron was the brother of Moses. God made him the first priest. He was anointed with oil which ran down his beard and upon his robe as a sign of his authority.)
Where brothers and sisters treat each other well, live together in harmony there the Spirit of God feels at home and fall down on this community like the dew of Hermon. There the Lord gives blessings and life!
The Chistian community has to be the Kingdom of God and should be ruled only by the Spirit of God. There it should not be like in the world where intrigues, greed for money and power rule, where you are unfaithful with donations, where you try to impress the neighbor with small or big lies. In those places God`s Spirit does not feel good and leaves the community to their own fate.
We want to be different! In faithfullness we wish to be with Jesus! Money and donations should not interest us primarily as He cares for us. We do not need to lie and to boast with performance. We want to be as Jesus has shown to us: Honest, loyal, merciful, lovingly totally trusting Jesus. We want to forgive each other where we have hurt us. We do not want remain resentful but instead we ensure respect and love among each other.
Jesu washed the dusty feet of His disciples. He very much valued the neighbor. He forget and forgave trespasses, failure, and wicked words. He encourages people and gave them hope. Never He spoke ill over others. He said: Through your love the world should see that the Gospel is true.
Today we want to start to respect, to honour, to wish the best for each other. We want to uplift the other with strong words. We want to seek his talents to strengthen those. We want to encourage, support him. No criticism anymore! Jesus says: "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”. Well, let us fill our heart with the Spirit of God and speak as He likes it! Then we have again a piece of heaven with us, in the communities, and in the world.
Thank you, Jesus, Your thoughts and words are always good for me. You encourage me and give me hope. Please fill me with Your Spirit, for that I think as You think and speak Your words. Use me as a Light in this dark world.
Bible reading – Proverbs 6: 1-35