Faith like a Mustard Seed – 18.09.2014
I assure you that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Go from here to there,’ and it will go. There will be nothing that you can’t do.
Matthew 17:20
The disciples had a problem: They were not able to heal a boy who constantly fell into water or fire. They tried it with all healing formulas and prayers, but nothing worked. And so they asked their Lord who told them: "You faithless and crooked generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me." Then Jesus spoke harshly to the demon. And it came out of the child, who was healed from that time on. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and said, "Why couldn’t we throw the demon out?" And He said: "Because you have little faith."
A mustard seed is not that big, much smaller than a wheat grain and you can easily loose it. But when we hold it tight, firm in our hand and keep watch of it, then it is safe. A small grain is going to be something big and it has the power for that. So is it with our faith in concrete things: You can easily loose it when you don’t watch out for it. And when you keep it, big things can arise out of it. Abraham held on to God’s promise that his descendants will own the country. For a long time, you could barely see it: 400 years the Israelis lived abroad. And yet God kept His word! They took possession of the land. Faith in Action is proven!
Even our little devotional work is the result of faith. The Lord keeps his word and it grows! The translators need to believe that they find the right words to say what God wants to be said. God will bless them with wisdom! The supporters need great faith, because they do a lot for this business. Those who pray need faith, that they may pray fervently for us. Yes, without faith everything would collapse quickly. But God himself motivates us, gives wisdom, words of comfort and speaks to the people. All Glory to the Lord!
Today the Lord wants to move mountains because of our faith. Above all, the worry mountains. A little mustard seed full of faith is supposed to move a giant mountain of fear and worry! So keep the small mustard seed firmly, then the Lord will move the mountain; – As well that we do not need to do it on our own! I think we would not have so much power. But He has!!
Thank you, Jesus, You put little mustard seed of faith in my heart. I will hold on and trust You, that You will keep Your word! Yes, You have never let me down so far and I can continue to rely on You. You are the Lord who loves me!