He is THE LORD! – 2015.07.07
It will be said: “Survey, survey; build a road!
Remove barriers from my people’s road!”
The one who is high and lifted up,
who lives forever, whose name is holy, says:
I live on high, in holiness,
and also with the crushed and the lowly,
reviving the spirit of the lowly,
reviving the heart of those who have been crushed.
I won’t always accuse,
nor will I be enraged forever.
It is my own doing that their spirit is exhausted—
I gave them breath!
I was enraged about their illegal profits;
I struck them; in rage I withdrew from them.
Yet they went on wandering wherever they wanted.
I have seen their ways, but I will heal them.
I will guide them,
and reward them with comfort.
And for those who mourn,
I will create reason for praise:
utter prosperity to those far and near,
and I will heal them, says the Lord.
But the wicked are like the churning sea that can’t keep still.
They churn up from their waters muck and mud.
There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked.
Isaiah 57:14-21
The situation in many nations is chaotic, in many countries a human life has not much worth. And in many people’s lives, it is also full of chaos and mourn. It looks as if God had been forced out of this world.
But our God neither slumbers nor sleeps. A short time He was angry, but He turns to us again, will heal, lead and comfort us again. His mercy is new every morning! He will make His Word come true and then the troublemakers will pass away. His people will rise up, refined, bright and strong. He has not forgotten us and He does not leave us to an oppressor. He comes and creates the peace that no human can force here on earth.
He promised that the people who mourn now, will again be joyful and praise God full of gratitude. He will make His Word come true.
Thank you, Jesus, You are the only Lord! Even when chaos is raging, You stay the rock who carries us. Thank You for keeping me in Your mighty hand and carrying me thorugh all oppression and strife. You comfort, heal and fortify. It is You, in whom I believe!
Bible reading today: Luke 15,11 – 32