Jesus helps! – 2020.08.16
… people brought to Him all who were ill with various diseases
those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed,
those having seizures, and the paralyzed,
and He healed them all!
Matthew 4:24
Just after the baptism in the Jordan and the temptations in the desert, Jesus wandered around in Galilee; the orthern part of Israel, teaching in synagoges there, proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom, and healed all sicknesses and suffering of the people. News about Him spread over all Syria. Large crowds from all Israel, from Jerusalem, Judea, and all the region across the Jordan followed Him. In Him Gods mercy was shown in this world. He did nothing else but wandering around, preaching and healing.
t be stupid, will they!
Then as now there are sufferings man cannot heal, at best alleviate. Also our medicine can only heal to a limited extent. But Jesus we can trust. He can heal all! How redeeming! We can come to Him with all our needs, to Him our Shepherd, Doctor, Provider, Helper, and Comforter. He always has the appropriate medicine. The question is not whether He can help but whether we can trust Him.
Indeed, Jesus had come to destroy the work of the devil. And this certainly includes diseases and demonic burdens. There is no doubt that Jesus can free us from any bad influence and attack of the enemy, can give us healing. He is our Redeemer! In His name we may also pray for other people, for the breaking of all burdensome bonds, evil forces, may dictate illness to go.
My children already understand that Jesus helps and come when there is pain. We then pray, bring everything before Jesus. When we look for the right medicine we first try to cure with known healing plants which God gave us, will not work with hard drugs right away.
And when I pray, my boys realize it is Jesus who heals. These encounters with Him, the experience that He heals, strengthen their faith, so that they will come to Jesus much quicker next time to pray for help. They won
Yes, we are invited to pray for another, may expect Jesus to intervene. So He promised us in His love and mercy. We are only the channels of His healing power when we pray for others. He is the Doer who likes to have mercy on the suffering and sick.
Yes, Jesus, I trust You and will take brave steps. You promised to be with me and to listen to my prayers. Thank You for the trust You gave me.