John 11, 40
Jesus said to her: “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believed?”
John 11, 40
Lazarus was sick and his sisters Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus, because they were good friends. But Jesus didn’t go to Lazarus to make him healthy. After two days, He told His disciples: Now that he’s dead we want to visit him. God wants to do great things! When Jesus arrived in the village, Lazarus had already been dead four days. Marta went to meet Him and began to rebuke Him: If You had been here, Lord, my brother would not have died! Other people said: He gave sight to the blind man, could He not have kept Lazarus from dying? Jesus was very upset and deeply moved. He went to the grave, ordered to take the stone away and said: If you believe, you will see the glory of God! And He prayed: Father, I know that you always hear me, but I say this for the sake of the people here, so that they will believe that You sent me. And after He had said this, He called out in a loud voice: Lazarus, come out!
And Lazarus actually came out of the grave and his body was wrapped in grave cloths and his face was covered with a cloth. Jesus had a very close relationship to his Father, so He knew everything about Lazarus. He waited until God asked Him to go to Lazarus! Jesus felt sad about the death of His friend, but He knew that God will do everything well. He did this miracle so that people knew: He really is the Messiah, the Lord of life and death. There is nothing that is not under His reign. Also we will see the glory of God if we trust Him completely. Of course it is difficult for us, to trust Him completely, but we want to try it! And the Spirit of God will help us to get faith in Him.
Lord Jesus, I believe You! But in certain situations I find it hard to trust You and to give You my fullest confidence. Please, give me more faith and trust, so that I can trust You more, and can pray more! Yes, I want to believe in You and I want to see Your glory!