Main thing: Rich, healthy and lots of money! – 2017.03.21

Main thing: Rich, healthy and lots of money! – 2017.03.21

Jesus looked at him and said: How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!  Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Luke 18,24f
This is about a young man who has realised that his relationship with God is not what it should be.  A dead relationship, one that is made up only of rituals.  Oh, he is a good man who never does anything bad, who donates to the poor and does all kind of good deeds, yet he is far removed from God.  Jesus tells him the way out:  let go of your wealth and follow me!  But the young man finds this impossible to do.  He and his father have worked too hard for their wealth.  They have given everything to earn their wealth.  There is no way back.
Another wealthy man had a neighbour who was very poor.  His name was Lazarus and he ate what the wealthy man dropped from his table.  There he could fight with the dogs for the leftovers.  But when the wealthy man had died and was suffering in hell, his money could not even buy him a drop of water to cool his tongue.  And Lazarus, sitting in Abraham’s lap, was unable to bring him anything.  The trench, the abyss between heaven and hell, was just too deep.
A person lives 70 or 80 years, thinking it is an eternity.  If he is wealthy, he may enjoy life, or he may worry about his money.  And when in hell, he becomes what is due to him for the time spent on earth and for what was important.  After 1200 years he realises that he squandered eternity for 20 years of pleasure.  And he thinks with horror of the 88,000 years still to come.  And he realises that all of this is really just the beginning …
No, for this kind of wealth I am not prepared to squander my soul!  I want to be rich, but in the Lord.  He gives me all I need, why agonise and stress over heaps of money?  What for?  I’d rather work for the Lord, and walk His ways!  I would rather spend the few years on earth sensibly.  Work, yes, but a slave to money, no.
Jesus says about money:  for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  After all, everyone is wealthy.  His heart is attached somewhere, and there is his treasure.  When I was young and in love, my life revolved around my treasure.  I was blind for all else.  And so many people continue to live into old age.  Everything revolves around their treasure, their hobby, money, sport, women, entertainment, career … and God?
Jesus, I give You my treasure and let it go.  I do not want to be attached to material things.  No, my heart shall belong to you, for I know You are a good Lord.  You take care of me and all my needs.  Yes, You shall be Lord in my heart!   

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