Our plenty – 2015.05.13
At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then they will be equality.
2. Corinthians 8:14
Everywhere in the world there are rich Christians and poor Christians who suffer lack. Jesus does not want that. He does not like it that this inequity which rules the world also exists in His community. There are countries which live in wealth and others which suffer hunger. With 1 EUR you will not get far in Germany. Here in Lithuania the EURO has a value 3,5 times more. In India I can live with that for days.
There are many attempts and initiatives to help the brothers and sisters in need. But definitely we are far away of having a fair balance. Jesus is looking for brave people who have a vision in this respect. He intends to send them out in the emergency. Plenty of people have to support these helpers. By no means Jesus wants that we ourselves are sparing and hunger for charitiy purpose. He only is interested in a fair sharing within a loving community.
Not every mission is required. Often it is merely a hunt for more activity which is chasing us. Then there is almost no difference in attitude to that of the children of this world. Jesus is warning us of the richness and of too many worries which are strangling the word of God. He does not like it as well, when we are giving a tithe only and think that the remaining 90% are for our free disposal. God wants all, our heart and our purse.
During the walk of the Israelites through the desert God provided them with bread from heaven. Some collected many, some less, but at the end they all had enough to eat. The surplus became rancid and was inedible. In the same way our faith gets "rancid" when we do not share, give away constantly out of a channel of mercy. Water must flow so that it remains clear. Blessings must be passed so new is received.
The following exchange would help: our material blessings against the spirituals awakening in the countries of the Third World. Unfortunately we cannot buy spiritual blessings. But we can give our money and receive blessings from Jesus. He will honour our gifts if they are given voluntarily with a pure heart and not with a selfish calculation.
Jesus likes to bless us so much, however we have problems to let go the old blessings. How is it possible to put something new into a filled hand? We should give away what actually burdens us. Let us exercise to be more humble and disciplined. We want to be at Jesus disposal that He may overcome injustice through us. Let us pray for bold men and women who create new and feasable ideas how to help others effectively.
Jesus, you have left heaven for me, have left behind all to save me. Now I am Yours and go your way. Richness will not bind and betrayed me. From all my heart I want to be generous whereever the need is. Please send courageous brothers ans sisters for your work! Give us brave hearts and show us ways how we can help. You will support us, will not leave us alone if we are in trouble ourselves.
Bible readings today: Psalm 90: 1-17