Overflowing Grace – 2016.08.24

Overflowing Grace – 2016.08.24

Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!
Luke 5:8
Peter had worked with his people on the lake all night but had not caught one fish. Being tired He surely now longed for a cup of coffee, and wished to eat bred with bacon. But at the shore Jesus was talking to many people who were crowding around Him. Jesus saw Peter and asked him to put his boat a little bit from shore so that He could better speak to the people. Peter obeyed inspite of his exhaustion. When he listened to His words they must have touched him. In this way normal scribes and priests are not teaching.
When Jesus had finished His speach, He again looked at Peter and said: Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.
Although Peter had not caught anything during the night and never was able to fish during the day sofar he tried it again on His request. And in fact when they let down the nets they caught such a large number of fishes that their nets began to break and the boat threatened to sink. They signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them.
When Peter saw that, he fell at Jesusknees and said as if Jesus would not have known that before: <em>Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!&quot; </em>Now Peters eyes were opened. Sofar he probably thought that he was a decent man. But now in the presence of Jesus before His all pervading eyes he saw himself as God saw him: A sinner through and through not worth the heavenly glory. Abysses separated him from the Holy God and great anxiety must have gripped Peter. But Jesus said to him:Don`t be afraid, from now on you will fish for people.Peter and his partners left everything and followed Him. They knew that Jesus was aware about everything and accepted them as friends inspite of their faults. By the overflowing grace the sinners will become one with the Holy Son of God.
Thank You, Jesus! You show me my unholiness and imperfection and all my sins. But there is redemption with You! Your abundant mercy safes me, sets me free again, forgives and forgets, gives me a new beginning, a new life.. . You show me my sins so that I can confess them. Yes, You are my Saviour, my God, my Lord!
Bible reading today – Revelation 11: 15-19

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