Peace – 15.04.2020
Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give you.
I do not give you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
It is Jesus who gives us peace. He is wonderful! He cares for us all around. He knows us and is aware what we basically need: Peace! And He can give it to us, a peace which is far beyond our understanding, deeper than the depth of the sea, all embracing.
Where we are at home? Where we find security and protection? In Him, in His peace alone!
Jesus has become my peace in all restlessness. How many years I have struggled to find my place in life. How much ernergy I have invested, worked many hours day by day, drove many kilometers to achieve something, reach the goal. It was waste in time, all in vain!
But now, praise the Lord, I rejoice resting in His heart, enjoying His peace. The chase for it is finished. I have found my place. He showed and gave it to me.
Now nothing needs to worry me anymore. I know my Lord is truly Master of all, anytime in all circumstances. I do not need to despair anymore for I now know that God always shows me a way out when I am in trouble. He is wonderful!
I have peace when I am one with Him in praise or during a walk in quietness. In all situations I may be with Him, even when thickness or war threatens me! He is Master of all even in my last hour when He calls me home. In His hand I am safe. Where I can find ever a better and more secure place! In Him am protected today, tomorrow and forever.
Thank You, Jesus! You love me unlimited. In You I am protected and secure. Storms may rage, wars may destroy, epidemics may kill, people may starve as there is no food – in You, however, I am always safe! Thank You for Your peace, for holding me tight in Your hand.