Philippians 1, 6
And so I am sure that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it on until it is finished on the Day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1, 6
God is a God of patience. Therefore He can constantly carry us, even if we do not care about Him for years. He namely has a goal for us, that we find our place in His heart. And for that He has time, ways and means.
Sometimes there are times full of doubt: Does God love me? Am I ever a child of God? Do I really believe or is that all just imagination? Did he forget me because of my sin? – There are so many nagging, agonizing questions!
And He is above such things. He still holds everything in His mighty hand. And when He began His work in you and has started to draw you to himself, then He will also complete His work and you will find your place in the Lord.
Be glad if you doubt again and again! Because if you wouldn’t care for you and God, you certainly would have no doubts; – It wouldn’t interest you at all. He wants to put your faith on a stronger foundation, therefore He is testing you. Actually, it is impossible for a human to find the way to God. How are we small, limited and unholy people able to comprehend the eternal, holy and all-powerful God? God knows this and therefore He says: With human it is impossible, but with God everything is possible! He will make His word come true and He will bring you to the aim!
But if we are rebellious and stubborn, only discussing with God because we do not want to give up our old, comfortable life, God will simply ignore us. He then will wait until we truly seek Him, or until we forget Him entirely. Please, do not play with God!
Thank You Jesus, You’ve already started working in me. Now You will also bring it to an end! For me, everything looks so difficult, as a matter of fact impossible. But You are almighty and have a way for me. For Your great name’s sake You will take pity on me and completely capture me.