Plentiful redemption – 2015.07.04
Because with the Lord there is mercy,
with Him is plentiful redemption
Psalm 130, 7
Out of the depths I cry, Lord, to Thee:
Lord, hear my voice!
Turn your ear to me,
pay attention to the voice of my supplications!
Would you, Lord, should mark our sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you is forgiveness,
so you are revered.
I hope in the Lord, it is hoped my soul,
I wait, and in his word.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning.
More than watchmen for the morning
O Israel, hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy,
with Him is plentiful redemption.
Yes, he will redeem Israel
of all their sins.
Thank you, Jesus, You forgive me and you saved me! With you there is the grace, yes, you are yourself the grace! With you I am safe from self-accusations and condemnation. You say to “yes” me, You love me endlessly. I’m waiting for you!
Bible Reading Today: Luke 14, 15 – 35 °