Remaining in Jesus – 2015.02.06
Remain in me, and I will remain in you.
John 15:4
So simple is faith: Just remain in Jesus. But in practice it causes us some problems.
We would like to always stay close to Jesus’ heart, and yet we go away again and again. We would like to constantly do the will of Jesus, but we do not always recognize Him. We want to be like Jesus, but our old, big, fat ego comes up again and again and demands its "right".
In this 15th chapter of John’s Gospel there are many verses that say almost the same thing:
If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything. (Verse 5)
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. (Verse 7)
Remain in my love. (9)
Love is the key: Jesus loves us and we love Him. He does not call us servants any longer, but calls us friends. In this love relationship humans have plenty of freedom, the limit is only where the sin begins.
It’s like with my children: When we go for a walk, they run forward, turn around and come back to me. When they were very young, their radius was small, now they are bigger and run away further. But always within a certain radius around me. This is good, because if they asked me at each step, whether this is correct, then it would be quite annoying. You have freedom! So should it be with Jesus in our lives: We have a lot of freedom, and yet it’s all about Him. We know He determines the direction of our lives. He is there when it is dangerous. Sometimes there are obstacles we overcome together. And often there is a bench to rest; there we sit together and tell us what we think and have experienced, and we talk about our plans. So life with Jesus is relaxing and joyful. He is the Good Shepherd who is watching us, guides our direction and supplies us with all that is good. Are we in Him, our heart is glad, and has peace. Did we run away too far, trouble and fear spread in us.
Thank you, Jesus, my Good Shepherd! You are with me and care for me so well. It’s nice to have community with You. It’s nice that Your Holy Spirit is in me and fills my heart. Thank You!!!