The Kingdom of God – 2016.10.12
The spirit of the Lord is on me,
because He has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me
to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord`s favor.
Luke 4:18
When Jesus was in Nazareth He preached about above words and proclaimed: Today this scripture is fulfilled!
Yes, this may be considered as a governmental declaration of Jesus for His Kingdom. John the Baptist admonished: Change your ways and repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! Jesus had said the same when He started preaching: Change your lifestyle for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! – And now the Kindgom is here: With Jesus it has started to exsist. Since that time the captive become free, good news are proclaimed to the poor, the blind can see, the oppressed and despised can hope again and we all are covered by the grace of God.
The first desciples went out to preach these good news proclaiming: The Kingdom of God is here! Like Jesus they commanded any darkness in all areas to go with the same authority which Jesus had had. Until today miracles happen among the people of God. Yes, the Kingdom of God already started since long time. Blessed is the Citizen of Heaven! The kingdom of darkness has reigned long enough: Its attributes are lyes, violence, theft, oppression, Illness, obsession by dark power, poverty, hardship, and hunger. Jesus gives the opposite. In His Kingdom all darkness is defeated. We want to be citizen of His Kingdom. For Him we live honoring Him always. We want to be obedient servants and fighters for the Light to overcome all darkness in and around us. He has equipped us with the power which was promised the apostels in Acts 1:8.
We will not heal all thickness, overcome poverty and all sorrows, but with His help we will be quite successful in many situations. When Jesus returns, then the Final Judgement will be held on death and devil and the Kingdom of Heaven in its completion will be erected . Blessed is the man who is a Citizen of the Kingdom and a Fighter for the King!
Thank You, Jesus, You pulled me out of darkness, redeemed me from sin and death. You led me in Your Kingdom and gave me peace, joy, and justness. Yes oh Lord, I am a citizen of Your Kingdom and a
fighter for my King.
Bible reading today – John 11: 17-44