The Mountain of Debt – 2014.09.16
I’ll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Anything you fasten on earth will be fastened in heaven. Anything you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven.
Matthew 16:19
I imagine, in my heart is a space in which the debt is kept. In one corner a small pile, that’s my fault. And in the other corner, a very large pile, which is the debt that others have done to me. That was, until Jesus once showed me how gently I saw myself, and how critical and sharp I measured other people. He taught me, to see them merciful and mild, and their debt mountain immediately shrunk. Then I saw myself with my own critical eye and my mountain grew and grew until I could hardly stand it. The room in my heart was so full that it bothered me a lot, I could not be happy anymore, but was very depressed; – The load was too big. Then Jesus asked whether I don’t want to put away the loads. Sure, I wanted to. And so He forgave my sin, and I gave it up. That was a great relief to me! But unfortunately I often brought the blame back again. Whenever I remembered something and reproached myself, the fault came in again. And when I asked for forgiveness, I put away the blame. This went on for a long time back and forth. Until I decided to believe His Word: It is forgiven, it’s forgotten.
And it was the same with the other mountain, the guilt of the others. Whenever I forgave them, their debt mountain became smaller and it was easier for me. Whenever I remembered and renewed accusations and went on with my self-pity, the mountain grew and my heart got heavy. Until I decided that my decision to forgive was permanently and forever. Since the debt did not come back. Now both mountains are gone and I am carefree. Yes, I can sing happily and thank the Lord, for He bore the guilt mountains to the cross.
If I release someone from his guilt, God can not help but forgive. If I ask for forgiveness for my debt, God can not help but forgive, for Jesus’ sake, who paid on the cross. If I fasten something firmly in my heart, God fastens it too; – But it bothers me! – And God is not happy about it too.
We have the power to forgive! Let’s take the chance!
Thank you, Jesus, for making me free! My guilt is gone and You also take the blame of the others, so that my heart can be free and easy. I renounce revenge and justice, but want Your grace for me and the others. Thanks, You have good plans and thoughts for me!!