The Spring – 2015.09.18
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
Psalm 92:12
Those that were made just by Jesus are the righteous. They can claim all the promises of the bible, like this one. A palm tree is an evergreen tree, unlike oak, beech, and other deciduous trees. Those trees shed its leafs and stand there bare, like dead, when winter comes. But the green palm tree is still growing and thriving. Because the Lord cares for it and provides it with fresh water. The tree can be seen from afar – it draws the attention. The righteous are like that: they will be seen and they draw attention, since God will use them to bless the people.
The cedar of Lebanon grows in rough mountains up to the snow line. It withstands cold and storms because He makes it strong. The trees resist burdens because He himself is its strength.
God want to make us like that: evergreen and tall like a palm tree and strong and resilient like a cedar.
It depends all on the spring. If the palm tree gets bad spring water it will become sick. And even the strongest cedar dies if it gets poisonous water.
Because of this we should not make compromises with sin. Just a little bit… no, that is bad spring water. A little drop of filth and the clean spring water is murky! We should rather be careful and decline compromises!
And we do not want to poison our spring water with sin, because if we do our faith will die. We want to dink clear spring water from the spring of the Lord! We will not let us get manipulated by advertising and its sayings. We do not want to accept the ideology that is behind many movies and TV series. He is the spring of life, of joy, of peace, of rest, and of strength!
Lord, keep an eye out for me! I will drink Your spring water and i do not want to be poisoned by the thoughts of the world. Show me, where I compromised – I do not want to compromise anymore. I want to find strength in Your word and find peace in Your arm.
Bible reading today: Psalm 129:1-8