He seeks the lost – 2015.09.17

He seeks the lost – 2015.09.17

Jesus says:
If any of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does he not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost, until he finds it?
Luke 15: 4
This morning, the question came up, how Jesus dealt with injuries and disappointments. He was often hurt by people and was sad and shocked about it. And he was often disappointed by his disciples. Sometimes Sometimes he harshly made their failure clear to them, but mostly he just put it right.
Once Jesus healed 10 lepers, but only one came back and thanked him. He asked disappointedly: Where are the other nine? But then he turned to this one and gave him his attention.
Once he was talking to a rich man who wanted get into heaven. But the price was too high for him and he went away sad. Jesus looked at him. He was certainly disappointed. But then he turned back to those who needed him and wanted him.
Then I understood: What should I dwell on past things that have hurt and offended me? I want to forgive. And then I want to turn to what is ahead of me. I do not live in the past and cultivate my wounds and bitterness. I want to go!
Jesus goes after the lost sheep. He leaves the 99 behind and dedicates Himself to this one, because it’s lost without him. He says that in heaven there is more joy over one who repents of his forlornness, than on the 99 righteous who have no need to repent. Jesus does not care about those who do not need it. He turns to those who need Him.
He does not like the Pharisees, who are so self-righteous. He’s not there, where people believe a doctrine, even if it is christian. He is there, where we look out for him!
If we belong to those who are lost without him, he is there. He wants to lift us up and add us to His flock. He is the Good Shepherd, who feeds, protects and supplies the weak and helpless. He turns his full attention to those who need him; – The strong and self-righteous do not need him.
Thank you, Jesus, You’re looking for what is lost! And honestly, without you I am nothing. I’m really lost. How fortunate that you found me and never let me out of your sight! How good it is to lie in your arms and walk with you through the day! How good it is that we are together is! Sir, I need you and I love you.
Bible Reading Today: Psalm 128, 1 – 6

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