The Tree – 17.06.2020
That person is like a tree
planted by stream of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Psalm 1:3
It is clear to everyone that trees grow splendidly and bear fruits when they get fresh water. The tree needs strong roots. The tree shrinks when the roots get old and rotten. When it get bad water its fruit tastes accordingly.
Our roots are Jesus Christ with whom we Christians are deeply connected. Not everybody can see this root, as it is invisible. Our roots are the Scripture, that teaches us what is important. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide us thereby. Without Him bitter thoughts, ill feelings, bad memories can overwhelm us which then block all good fruits.
The New Testament warns of bitter roots. Therefore we will pray and be careful to have a pure heart. The farmer pulls out the bitter weed, or kills them. We Christians can do that through the blood of Jesus. By calling His Name we are able to forgive and receive redemption, liberation and peace.
Yes how many bitter roots grow because we have not forgiven as from childhood. How many bad thoughts and memories of the parents are still alive in uns! How it then looks like in your heart? Certainly not pure and holy!
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you these bitter fruits in your life, your bitter reactions, thoughts, memories. And then uncover the respective roots. The Holy Spirit surely helps us to find these bitter roots which burden our life, roots which we might have forgotten, suppressed already.
Do that not uptight without the help of the Holy Spirit. Stay in contact with Jesus, speak always with Him.
Lord, I often react so violently. Imcomprehensible! Such small occasions and such fervent answers. You will show me the root for that. You will help me to forgive my guilt and the guilt of others. You will help me to forgive everyone who hurt me. Yes, thank You, You will give me a pure, innocent, loving heart. There are still so many blockades! Oh Lord, without You I would not have no hope. But I know You love me and like to help me without condemning me.