The Victory – 2014.10.12

The Victory – 2014.10.12

“It is completed.”
John 19:30

When Jesus hung on the cross, He bore the penalty for our sins and He stood up for the transgressors. Even for the men who brutally nailed Him, the King of heaven, to the cross, He prayed: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!
When He has died, the curtain in the temple tore that hid the holy of holies. Only once a year the priestwas allowed to enter there to bring the atoning sacrifice. But now it was done! It was a perfect sacrifice, a sacrificial lamb without blemish, bearing the guilt of the people forever. So the curtain got torn from top to bottom, torn by God. He was superfluous. Because: It is completed!
When Jesus died on the cross, the graves were opened and the saints appeared to many people in Jerusalem. Yes, He has conquered death, the worst enemy of man! Now the the death has no more power over the children of God, they will live! It is finished! There is a way through death into life, into the kingdom of God! Death no longer has the last word; he can no longer hold me.
When Jesus said "It is completed!", He gave His Spirit into the hands of God. God raised Him up again, and Jesus Christ could triumph over the forces of darkness. Yes, death and hell, devil and demons are defeated! He is the Christ, the King of Heaven.
It is completed! This is the word of victory. Jesus brought victory on the cross. He has taken away the sin. He has conquered death. He has won the battle against the evil forces. Anyone who clings to Him, is saved.

Thank you, Jesus, You fought for me! I would have lost this fight, but I hang myself to You, I will follow You and take Your win for me. My debt is repaid! Death will not reach me! And I also don’t need to fear the evil forces of darkness. For You are the winner!!

Please, don’t stop praying for our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Syria! And also for the Islamist terrorists and the many who suffer from it. Let us pray for this gathering place of evil! Only the atonement of Jesus can bring light into this darkness.

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