The Word of God – 2016.09.02
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
Psalm 119,105
The Bible is the Word of God. It is a Holy Book, through which God speaks to us personally. There are many good writings, but the Bible alone is the Word of God. Even these devotions only speak about God. They are not conclusive, decisive or God’s pure Word… they are simply human words, sometimes used by God to speak to people personally. Never mistake God’s Word for the good words of others! When in doubt, only God’s Word counts!
It is good to have a sound knowledge of God’s Word. Because that is how God speaks to us in any given situation. When we know God’s Word, the Spirit is able to remind us of God’s promises when we need them. But if we have never read the Word, how can He remind us? They are a treasure in my heart. In solitude, while taking a walk, while waiting for the bus, everywhere I am able to think about His Word and let it touch my heart. In this way He speaks to me.
When we don’t know God’s Word, the enemy can do a number on us. He can tell us any manner of lies and we’ll believe him. Many have taken the wrong path in this manner. That is why I needn’t feel guilty about this; – if it can happen to the greatest in God’s Kingdom, why should it not happen to me? The only thing that will keep me safe is if I cling to Jesus.
We would know nothing about God, heaven, our hope and truth, if we did not have the Bible. Everything would be very vague, told countless times over the centuries… it would be more a matter of our thinking about God than God’s thinking about us. Our faith would be religion like any other, rather than the gospel and God’s revelation to us.
There are times we read only a few verses that speak to us. Other times we read entire chapters at a time. It’s good to have a programme to stick to. And we should keep praying for God to unlock His Word so that we may find what is important. We trust in God to speak to us personally through His Word, correct us, encourage us and give us His promises.
There is always something we don’t understand. Leave it, and move on. At His time, God will make it clear to us.
Many people experience a strong aversion to reading the Bible. That is the work of the enemy, who does not want us to know the truth. There are all kinds of things that keep us from reading! That is why our determination is important, and our prayer for help while reading.
Dear Lord, please help me stick to my decision to read Your Word! Help me to find time to read! Help me to understand Your Word and to use it! Lord, there are so many distractions, please help!! Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path!
Bible study for today: Revelations 20,1-15